Code of Conduct

St. Albans Indoor Netball League
Code of Conduct (revised 2015/16) 

1. Players

  • Players are expected to play within the rules of the EN. They must respect that the umpire is officiating the match and accept umpiring decisions. A player at half or full time may ask why a particular decision was made but may not dispute that decision. At no time whether during the course of a match or during the course of an evening should players behave towards other players, umpires or League or Club officials in a way that could be construed as intimidating.
  • Persistent foul play or intimidating behaviour on the court of play will be dealt with in one or more of the following ways :
  1.  A warning will be issued by the umpire
  2. The player will be suspended from play, by the umpire, for an appropriate period of time
  3.  The player will be sent off by the umpire
  4. The player will be suspended by the League Committee for one or more matches
  5. The player may be suspended indefinitely by the League Committee (this may also be reported to County and Regional Associations)

1.2.    Intimidating behaviour off the court of play will be dealt with in one of the
following ways :

  1. The League Committee will issue the player with a warning
  2. The player will be suspended by the League Committee for one or more
  3. The player may be suspended indefinitely by the League Committee (this may also be reported to County and Regional Associations)

2.   Umpires

  • An umpire is expected to be impartial and to control the game by ensuring that rules of England Netball are applied. Umpires must have attained the minimum standard of qualification required by the League for the division in which the match is being played. Umpires need to keep abreast of rule changes and must attend at least one refresher course every two years.

 3. Non Playing Members of A Club and Spectators

  • Anyone who is not playing in a match is expected to behave in a manner that does not cause a disturbance or distract those on the Court of play. Clubs are expected to ensure that any individual connected with them whilst attending one of the venues acts in a responsible manner.
  • Coaching or directing play from off the Court, which is considered to assist one team unfairly, is not allowed. This shall be dealt with as follows :
  1. The Umpire shall warn the person involved
  2. If coaching/directing persists after a warning, the Umpire may penalise the team  which it is felt may benefit
  3. In extreme circumstances, the Umpire may stop the game and require the exclusion of the person concerned from the area.

3.1  In addition the incident will be reported to the Committee who may decide to take   further action against the individual and/or the team they represent, in one of the following ways :

  1. The individual and/or team may be issued with a warning
  2.  The team may be deducted points
  3. The individual may be banned from court side for a period

3.2.        Intimidating behaviour off the court of play will be dealt with in one of the following ways :

  1.  The individual and/or team may be issued with a warning
  2.  The team may be deducted points
  3.  The individual may be banned from court side for a period

3.3.      Spectators must keep back from the court and should not stand by the Goalposts.