The Constitution


1. Officers

a. Chairman }
b. Secretary } Elected at AGM
c. Treasurer }
d. Results Secretary}

2. Committee

The governing committee shall consist of the officers of the league and one representative from each team. Seven to form a quorum. Proxy votes acceptable.

3. Sub-Committees

The following sub-committees shall be set up, secretary to be one of the main committee:

  •  Umpiring
  •  Publicity

4. Annual General Meeting

The AGM shall be held within one month of the end of the season. At least one representative from each team from both Division 1 and 2 should attend the AGM. Failure to do so shall result in the offending team being relegated to the bottom of the waiting list. The secretary shall present to the meeting a brief summary of the season’s business and the resignation of the elected officers. The retiring chairman will conduct the election of the new officers. Any other business will then be dealt with. Motions to be carried by two-thirds majority on show of hands.

5. Extraordinary General Meeting

  •  A minimum of two teams must request, in writing, that the secretary call an EGM.
  •  Secretary to advise all teams of time, venue and proposed business.
  •  Five represented teams to form a quorum.
  •  Motions carried by two-thirds majority, proxy votes accepted.

6. Changes

  •  Any changes to the constitution or rules must be approved by an AGM or EGM.
  •  Proposed changes must be sent to the secretary at least four weeks before the AGM who will send copies to all teams prior to the meeting.
  •  Affiliation and fees

7. Affiliation and Fees

All clubs, team and players must be affiliated with England Netball to play within the St. Albans indoor netball league.

You can do this by contacting and match fees will be advised at least one month before the start of the season.